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Brown and White dog laying on a wood floor raising one ear inquisitively
Light orange paw print

It is important to limit the activity of your pet for 7-10 days post surgery to allow them to heal appropriately

Light orange paw print

Some pets will whine or seem agitated after surgery. This is the anesthesia wearing off. It usually takes about 12 hours to clear their system. If you have a concern, please reach out to the after hours email service,

Light orange paw print

The night after surgery, they may not want to eat as much. Offer small amounts of their normal food or treats. They just need to eat a small amount the first night. They should return to normal eating within 24-48 hours post surgery

Light orange paw print

Keep their incisions clean and dry. An e-collar or surgical suit is highly recommended to prevent licking of the incision. If you notice any redness or discharge from the incision, please email us at

Light orange paw print

Please check the incision twice daily and alert us if anything has changed. Sending us a picture to will allow us to assist you better

Light orange paw print

If you have an after hours emergency (after 8 pm weekdays, or any time during the weekend) following surgery, please reach out to one of our suggested emergency clinics HERE

Light orange paw print

Signs of a complication:

  • pale gums

  • depression

  • unsteady/wobbling

  • vomiting/diarrhea

  • loss of appetite

  • discharge or bleeding from the incision

  • difficulty urinating or defecating

  • labored breathing

After Surgery Instructions

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Community Pets is not responsible for any post operative complication associated with not following the discharge instructions, or from any contagious disease for which they were not previously vaccinated.

Sweet orange haired cat sleeping on it's side with one paw up

Before Surgery & Day Of Instructions

Light blue paw print

Make sure you have your vaccine records. If you are not up to date on rabies (required by NC State Law), one will be administered day of surgery. If you would like other vaccines, we can administer those the day of surgery as well

Light blue paw print

Do not feed your pet breakfast the morning of the procedure. It is ideal to not have food after midnight. They can have unlimited access to water

Light blue paw print

Please arrive promptly at 8:00 am to fill out your paperwork for surgery. We will not intake any animals that arrive after 8:30 am

Light blue paw print

It's important to be able to reach you throughout the day if an emergency arises. Please leave a number you can be reached at promptly

Light blue paw print

We only accept debit and credit cards. You can either prepay on the link provided in your email or you can pay with a card upon pick-up. If there are additional charges we will let you know.

Light blue paw print

Females will have their ovaries and uterus removed through a small incision into the abdominal wall. This will prevent them from becoming pregnant. Males will have their testicles removed; the scrotum will remain. This will prevent them from being able to produce sperm to inpregnate females, and most males will have a calmer behavior afterwards

Light blue paw print

Every animal will have a green tattoo near their incision that is the universal sign of being fixed. Feral cats will also receive an ear tip to indicate they have been spayed or neutered.

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